Interview with Mandip Gill of Hollyoaks

Category: News Release

This week (week 18), Phoebe sees the welcome return of Vincent – one of the illegal immigrants her and Jacqui saved. It’s clear that Phoebe wants more than just friendship from the newcomer, but does he feel the same?


Who do you play?

Phoebe McQueen, formerly Phoebe Jackson.


How would you describe the character you play?

She’s a feisty streetwise tomboy, with a heart of gold.


Are you anything like them in real life?

Not really. Phoebe is fearless and doesn't mind having a dig at people where she sees fit, whereas I wouldn't dare say anything too out of line. 


If you could play any other character, who would you choose, and why?

Mercedes McQueen gets brilliant storylines. She plays bitchy, evil and can also be loving at times. She gets in fights, is kidnapped regularly and has lost the plot a lot. Who wouldn't want to play all these things?


How long have you been in Hollyoaks?

18 months 

What’s been your favourite scene to shoot in Hollyoaks?

Jacqui telling Phoebe she is leaving Hollyoaks for good. Although an extremely difficult and emotional scene, I was able to act my socks off, show my characters vulnerability and say bye to an exceptionally great colleague and friend. 

And your worst?

My first ever scene - I was working with a Staffordshire bull terrier, I was petrified of dogs and along with first day nerves it was one of the hardest things to do - pretending to be relaxed as he ate bacon out of my hand!!!

What would be your ideal storyline for your character?

Something gritty, dark and sinister! I want her to cry and shout, be vulnerable and lonely all at the same time.


Who is the hottest cast member?

Anna Shaffer who plays Ruby Button.


Have you ever given anyone a Hollyoaks calendar as a present?

Never! However, if I could get my hands on Nana McQueen’s I'm sure that would go down a treat.


Do you ever use your job to jump queues for bars, clubs etc?

No I'll happily stand in the queue - I prefer not to be noticed in fact. 


Do you ever get sent any weird fan mail?

No unfortunately! I do receive a lot of fan mail from people who are in a similar position to Phoebe, which is brilliant that people can relate to her.


What’s your favourite joke?

What's the longest word in the dictionary? Elastic, because you can stretch it!


Who’s your best mate in the cast?

Steven Roberts (George) and Lucy Dixon (Tilly)


Who’s the worst in the cast for inappropriate laughter?

I can't tell you that, they wouldn't be too happy being known for that!


Who’s the worst for forgetting lines?

No one does that here :)


What’s the best thing about being in Hollyoaks?

That I get to play a brilliantly complex character every day.


What’s the worst?

There isn't a single aspect I'd change about this job.