Interview with Pam Ferris for We're Going on a Bear Hunt

Category: News Release

Tell us about you role in We’re Going On A Bear Hunt

I play Grandma. Grandma’s role at the start of the adapted story is to take the children’s parents away from the house, leaving her grandchildren behind. And that is where the adventures - the bear hunt itself - can begin.

What is Grandma like?

Grandma is a very warm-hearted person, she loves her daughter, her son-in-law and her grandchildren more than anything, but out of all of them Rosie is her particular favorite. We meet Grandma at a time where she’s had a very sad experience - her husband, the children’s grandad, has recently died. [This is not shown in the film, but gently implied.] She is not the kind of person who would expect everybody to be depressed with her. She lifts the atmosphere in the house by dancing and singing. She is a lovely woman. I’m very touched by the emotions that Grandma goes through, even in one line alone. She moves from being very sad to lifting everyone’s spirits and I find that kind of emotionally bravery very touching. I only have a few lines but I was in tears. I just hope the animators can bring that to life. I’m sure they will.

What is it like doing a voice-over part compared to live-action acting?

Acting in front of a microphone, as opposed to acting on a set with light, costume and everything, is the purest form of acting for me. It’s simply about the person - their feelings and their emotions. Everything else you leave to the animators so you’re free to just do that central job and I love it.

Why do you think the book has been such a success?

I understand from my young friends that one of the best things about this book is doing all the sound effects - the swishy swashies, the Hooo wooos and the squelch squerch. There is no substitute for joining in, and in this book children are allowed to join in, make the noises, be familiar with the story and help the story along. It’s a classic, it wouldn’t have lasted this long if it wasn’t so good.

What do you think will be appealing about this animation?

This is some of the finest animation I’ve ever come across; The quality of 2D animation, the richness of colour, the subtlety of the personalities that they draw. I’m very proud to be part of it.

The film will be shown on Channel 4 this Christmas. How will you be spending Christmas?

I shall be spending Christmas at home, cooking up a storm with my husband and two dogs. I am not a traditional Christmas person by any means and I do like to experiment with weird food so who knows? We might have Chinese, Indian or Hungarian. Anything could happen at Christmas but it will be special.

Are you a fan of Christmas?

I’m very fond of Christmas; I’m particular fond of our Christmas market in our village in Kent because I am on its committee and it’s the best fun you can imagine. We empty the square of cars and fill it with stalls and it’s just tremendous fun. It’s the best bit for me.

We’re Going On A Bear Hunt airs on Channel 4 this Christmas.