Interview with Stephanie Davis of Hollyoaks

Category: News Release

In week 49, Sinead takes centre stage as she is forced to choose between going to university and having her baby. When her Mum and boyfriend find out, can they talk her out of getting an abortion?


Name: Stephanie Davis


Who do you play?

Sinead O'Connor (not the singer)


How would you describe the character you play?

I'd describe her as a bit of a bitch, chavy, quite funny and very strong-minded, but always up for a good laugh.


Are you anything like them in real life?

I'm stubborn, but I'm not a bitch like her.


If you could play any other character, who would you choose, and why?

I'd play Jacqui McQueen, because I think Claire Cooper is one of the best actresses I've ever seen. She gives her character so many dimensions because of the way she plays Jacqui and I find Claire just fascinating to watch.


How long have you been in Hollyoaks?

Over two and a half years - time flies when you're having fun!


What's been your favourite scene to shoot in Hollyoaks?

The ‘Enjoy The Ride' bus crash by far. I've never been part of something so good and so big and it was a credit to be a part of. It was one of the most intense, but rewarding shoots.


And your worst?

My worst scene was with Anna Shaffer who plays Ruby. We got the giggles and I ended up getting sent off set by the director to compose myself. I couldn't even watch the scene when it was on TV!


What would be your ideal storyline for your character?

Back to being a Chav and causing a lot more trouble in the village. I want her to go back to her roots.


Who is the hottest cast member?

I'm going to have to say Jonny Clarke, who plays Bart ;)


Have you ever given anyone a Hollyoaks calendar as a present?

Yea, I gave the men's one to my Nan - she loved it!


Do you ever use your job to jump queues for bars, clubs etc?

No, never. I do the job because it's something I love - I'd queue up like everyone else. My job shouldn't change the way I get treated.


Do you ever get sent any weird fan mail?

Yea, I've had quite a few weird fan mails, like cassette tapes of songs with my name in and I've also been sent supermarket shopping vouchers, which to be fair, do come in handy!


What's your favourite joke?

"Why's a giraffe's neck so long? Because it has got smelly feet!"


Who's your best mate in the cast?

Probably overall its Kieron Richardson, Jazmine Franks, Jonny Clarke, Jennifer Metcalfe and Claire Cooper. I spend the most time with Jen and Claire, they're like my big sisters, we have a great laugh.


Who's the worst in the cast for inappropriate laughter?

Me! Once I've gone, there's no bringing me back - I just burst out laughing. Steven Roberts and Lucy Dixon find it really hard to work with me, because I make them laugh too and then we're all at it!


Who's the worst for forgetting lines?

Jorgie Porter - she's in her own little world like Tinkerbell, but she's dead funny.