Interview with Stephanie Waring of Hollyoaks

Category: News Release

In week 42, Cindy's boyfriend Tony gets it into his head that she's pregnant and decides to do the honourable thing by proposing. However, when Cindy realises the reason behind his declaration, she's not happy and it's up to her hapless beau to win her back.


Name: Stephanie Waring


Who do you play? Cindy Cunningham


How would you describe the character you play?

A bit of a bitch who tells it how it is. She's selfish but lots of fun. Cindy loves to stir things up, but sometimes you see glimmers of a woman who does have a heart deep down and a vulnerable side! I describe her as a fun bitch.


Are you anything like them in real life? No not at all!


If you could play any other character, who would you choose, and why?

Jacqui McQueen, I would love to strip away everything and play a character that is as raw as she is.


How long have you been in Hollyoaks?

On and off for 16 years!


What's been your favourite scene to shoot in Hollyoaks?

Wow, there are far too many to choose from but I must admit, I loved filming the early stuff with Cindy when she was pregnant with Holly and she hid it from everyone. Throwing myself down the stairs trying to kill the baby sticks out in my mind, as it would!


And your worst?

Any big scenes like weddings or funerals are generally a drag because they take for ever as there are so many characters to shoot. Carmel and Calvin's wedding took a long time and we had to shoot it twice with the flash-forward storyline!


What would be your ideal storyline for your character?

Something that tells a story and evokes emotions with the viewer at home, tackling something that is real and doing it justice would be wonderful.


Who is the hottest cast member? Erm..... Ashley Taylor Dawson, who plays Darren!


Have you ever given anyone a Hollyoaks calendar as a present? No.


Do you ever use your job to jump queues for bars, clubs etc? No.


Do you ever get sent any weird fan mail? Yes only occasionally though and that would be telling...


Who's your best mate in the cast? I'm close with lots of the cast members, but I would say I was closest to Rachel Shenton, who plays Mitzeee.


Who's the worst in the cast for inappropriate laughter? All of them!


Who's the worst for forgetting lines?

I wouldn't say anyone was worse than someone else, we all forget lines at some point - it's natural.


What's the best thing about being in Hollyoaks?

I get to do what I love every day. It's a fun place to work and I get to hang out with my friends for a living! That's pretty cool!


What's the worst? I love every aspect of my job - although early mornings aren't the best!