Interviews with the Star Boot Sale celebrities

Category: News Release


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The show follows twenty famous faces as they compete to sell their unwanted items and memorabilia at car boot sales around the country with all proceeds going to their favourite charities.

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What do the stars of Week 1 think of their competition?

On Joe:

Michelle: “He’s going to clean up!”

Nancy: “He’s brilliant. Yay – Joe! What am I saying, I don’t want him to win though…”

Sam: “He could be quite the intellectual competitor.”

Anthea: “He’s done so many shows and pantos… he’s got a lot of things! He’s a real rival…”

On Anthea:

Sam: ”I used to watch you on Blue Peter! I used to have a crush on you back in the day actually.”

Nancy: “I watched it [Blue Peter] when Anthea was in it. She’s very young though!!”

Michelle: “I reckon her stall will be immaculate. Game on Anthea, I’m coming for ya!”

Joe: Anthea will be great as she does like to get her hands dirty! She will put on some gloves first, so it’s not actually her hands that get dirty, it’s her gloves that get dirty…”

On Sam:

Nancy: “He’s going to look really good and have a great time.”

Michelle: “Sam’s no competition at all! He has got no chance! However he is a good looking boy…”

Joe: “He’s got very good hair I know that much! A very young Brad Pitt!”

Anthea: “I can’t believe that Sam has ever been to a car boot sale. They don’t have many around Chelsea do they?”

On Nancy:

Anthea: I think Nancy’s going to be competition because I think she will come with a van full of stuff…”

Michelle: “I imagine her items will be nothing ordinary at all.”

Sam: “She’s very good looking…”

Joe: “Out of everybody on the show I think Nancy is the dark horse.”

On Michelle:

Joe: “Michele Heaton, now that’s a different kettle of fish. She’s be selling some very high quality, high class stuff…”

Anthea: “She’s a girl from Gateshead. I’m a girl from Stoke on Trent. We are definitely not shandy drinking southern softies when it comes to a deal!”

Nancy:” She’s got a lovely personality. She’ll be good. Not as good as me, but she’ll be good.”