
Category: News Release

AGE: 29

FROM: Weymouth

LIVING: In New York for almost two years, currently lives in Hell’s Kitchen




James moved to New York 2 years ago after falling for a New Yorker that he met on holiday. Sadly the relationship didn’t work out but James has no regrets as it took him to America, and he is ready to conquer the states.

He lives in Hell’s Kitchen and socialises in the same area and says he’s never drunk as much as he has since moving to New York. He goes out three or four times a week and often is recognised by people he’s barely met because they recognise his British accent.


James had been working as a successful theatre actor in the West End. He performed in the musicals We Will Rock You, Saturday Night Fever, Grease, Priscilla Queen of the Desert and also appeared in the movie NINE. Since moving to New York he’s continued to perform and is looking for his big break, be it on Broadway or the silver screen.


James is a single and looking for the right man. He’s been dating a lot but, like Amy, thinks the NYC dating scene is crazy. He says everyone is on websites and apps, it’s all really fast paced and, most significantly, very casual. This one is very much looking for love rather than a hook-up.

Q&A with JAMES

What made you decide to move to New York?

I’ve always loved New York and dreamt of living here. I had been coming here once/twice a year for about 10years prior to actually moving 2years ago. I would have moved sooner but it never seemed to be the right time or work would keep me in London. And then I met someone on one of my trips to New York. We had a long distance relationship between New York and London and eventually I moved here to be with him. Unfortunately once I got here it didn’t work out.

If you were back in the UK how do you think your life would be different? Would you be following a different career path or would your love life be different in any way?

If I were still in the UK I would be kicking myself for not taking the plunge and trying out America. I would still be on the same career path but probably a little over continuing to pursue it in the same city. I needed a new challenge and that’s what New York has given me! As for my love life… I think if I had stayed in London I might have settled down by now. Being in New York has taken some adjusting to how people date here and how Brits and Americans just differ culturally. For example our sense of humour is different so some guys just don’t get me!

 You’re an actor and have been really successful in The West End, what would your dream role be?

 I would like to book a Broadway show because it’s a box I haven’t ticked yet. And I’m not too fussy about which one! But more so than Theatre I would LOVE to book a TV sitcom like Girls or Modern Family.

 Tell us about the dating scene in NY, is it tougher than back home in London?

I think it’s tougher here. People take dating very seriously. It’s like a second career!

And there are lots of different allowances and rules that we don’t really have back home. Everyone dates multiple people at once, which can be confusing. And because there is so much choice I feel like people will have one eye on you and one eye looking out for the next best thing. Having said that… Having a British accent does get you attention! As soon as you open your mouth people’s ears prick up. They find the Brit accent really hot.

 What would your number one tip be for anyone wanting to move to New York?

It’s not going to be easy so don’t go into it thinking it will be a walk in the park. It’s a tough city so expect a challenge!