Joe Birch

Category: News Release

AGE: 23


LIVES IN: Derbyshire

Joe lives at home with his parents on the family farm. Growing up working on a farm he spends a lot of time outdoors and is comfortable around animals. He is a trained joiner and thinks that these skills will definitely come in handy on the island.

Living on a farm he is used to hard manual work and from a young age Joe has had the importance of work drilled into him by his parents. He says that he will only relax when everything is done and he is used to pushing himself – during lambing season he works a 16 hour day.  

Joe wanted to be part of the experiment because he wants a once in a lifetime experience. He hopes it will stay with him for the rest of his life, and give him a broader view of life by meting different people from different backgrounds. It certainly will be different from his annual lads holiday – which is usually to Magaluf or Aya Napa.

Q: What is the key thing you will take away from your time on the island?     

A: A great appreciation for the simple things in life, it takes just a few seconds to have boiling water at home but it took us half a days intense labour to enjoy such luxury on the island.

Q: Has your time on the island changed your perspective on life?

A: I'm not worrying about what other people think about me because life is way to short for stuff like that.