Johnny Vegas to host Sunday Brunch

Category: News Release

Comedian and actor Johnny Vegas has confirmed that he will be joining Sunday Brunch on June 28th as guest host alongside Simon Rimmer, while Tim Lovejoy is on holiday.

Expect an extra lashing of Vegas’ trademark humour alongside all the usual Sunday servings of cookery, celebrity guests and music.

Johnny Vegas said: "As a former guest, genuine fan and regular pest of Sunday Brunch via twitter, I'm chuffed to be asked to co-host with Simon whilst Tim heads off to Glastonbury to 'break in his new wellies'. The lads have a great synergy, but even the strongest of relationships can benefit from time apart. I've sensed for a while now that Simon has been wanting to spend time with other people. I mean, look at how he behaved with fellow chef Michael Caine, he was practically throwing himself at him! Can you blame Tim for running off to a music festival to drown his sorrows in organic cider?

Now I don't want the production team to feel like I'm driving a wedge between the boys, far from it. I'm just hoping that the sight of myself and Simon bonding with each other, and our guests, with us laughing away like we've been co-presenting for years, and his eyes twinkling with a new found love for job in hand, will bring Tim to his senses and back home to the Sunday Brunch studio where he belongs. I think this is a master stroke of Channel 4. They've not run the risk of letting me loose with three hours of live TV to wreck Tim and Simon's relationship, they've brought me in to save it."

Sunday Brunch is commissioned by Head of Formats, Dom Bird and is produced by Princess Productions. The Executive Producer is Melony Smith and the Series Producer is Patrick Ruddy for Princess Productions.