The Jump - men interviews

Category: News Release

Sir Bradley Wiggins

Britain’s most decorated Olympian and Tour De France winner

You’ve only just retired from cycling, so what was it about this show that made you take it on as your first challenge?

I don’t know to be honest! Good question! To be honest I just want to improve my skiing, it’s something I’ve always enjoyed so I just want to be better at it. My family are excited about me doing it. They enjoy watching it and think it’s one of the better shows on the telly.

You must have been offered lots of reality shows in the past…

Yeah, Strictly and all that but this is the only one I would do, to be honest. I definitely don’t fancy putting on any Strictly lycra and sparkles.

Is the competitive element of this show important to you having just given up a top flight sporting career?

I haven’t really let the training side of things go. I train most mornings and evenings, it’s keeping that routine that’s important to me. I don’t want to get fat and unfit, I’m really paranoid and conscious of that. I have to do it for my mental health, I have to keep myself busy and in a routine, it’s easier for me to live like that. I just don’t trust myself one bit. I’ve been institutionalised in sport since I was 12, so it’s a big change coming out of it at 36. I have to keep my head down and keep a bit of that institutional mentality. I don’t want to let it go and then find myself two or three years down the line in a bit of a state. I’ve got an obsessive nature, whatever I do, I do to excess, so I think I’d rather keep good and clean.

Were you not worried about the injuries previous contestants have suffered?

No, not at all. People go skiing and hurt themselves all the time, it’s the nature of the sport. It’s a good show and I’ve always enjoyed watching it, so I’m pleased to be here.

Were you pleased to see so many other sports men and women in the line-up?

That was a deciding factor for me to come on the show in the first place. When I saw who else was coming on it, I could see there are some high class sports people who have achieved so much, so that was definitely a factor.

Do you think that will make the competition more competitive than ever?

I think so, but don’t discount the other people taking part in the show. They are all competitive in their own right, Spencer Matthews is really competitive and has a good chance of winning it, he’s a good skier. It’s not just the sports people you have to look out for. I don’t think I am the favourite to win it by any means. I think the top three are probably Gareth, Louis and Spencer. They have all really improved.

There’s been criticism of the sports stars doing the show who are still competing, would you have done the show if you hadn’t retired?

At the end of the day it’s up to the individual to assess whether the risks of doing something are worth it or not for their careers. I wouldn’t have done it before now but only because of the time frame, it would never have worked with my training schedule.

How have you found training?

I’ve really enjoyed it actually. I like having a regimented routine. It’s what I am used to so I enjoy it. It hasn’t been harder than I thought it would be, more frustrating than anything. You know what you want to do but it doesn’t always happen, so that’s the biggest thing for me, the frustration.

What’s it like training for the actual jump?

It’s been brilliant. I think everyone’s enjoyed that part of it. At the end of the day that’s what the show is going to come down to, so I think everyone’s loving that part of it. It’s not as scary as I thought it was going to be. You just have to focus and concentrate a bit more.

Everyone always makes fun of the outfits but you must be used to it…

It’s not too bad for me because everyone’s used to seeing me in my cycling kit. So it’s not such a shock to the system like it is for the others.

Will you get stuck in when the competition kicks off?

I’m just going to take it as it comes, I’m not thinking about it too much, what will be, will be. I’ll take it day by day. I’m not sure if my competitiveness will come out, maybe when I get going but I’m not going to lose any sleep over it. My goal is to just improve my skiing, I’m not fussed about winning.

Are you enjoying the social side of the show after training?

I’m still training so I go to the gym as soon as I get back to the hotel.