The Jump teaser clips

Category: News Release

Christmas is almost upon us. It’s time to eat, drink, eat some more, drink a little bit extra, watch telly, open presents, shout at the kids, wear novelty socks, and maybe have just one more glass. Unless, of course, you’re one of the hardcore celebrity nutters who is taking part in The Jump this year. In which case, while the rest of us are indulging our every whim, you are hurling yourself down icy mountainsides with complete abandon, flogging yourselves through the snaking turns of the skeleton run, or launching yourselves into the great blue yonder* off the dreaded jump.

Anyway, it should all be jolly good fun. Here are a few mini video vignettes of just some of the gang pulling the kind of faces that you’d normally only see on dogs sticking their heads out of cars.


*That is the sky, right? If it’s the sea, please forget this bit.