Kate O'Flynn - Everyone Else Burns S2

Category: Press Pack Article

Interview with Kate O’Flynn (Fiona)

How did it feel returning to set for series two?
It felt like a big warm hug as I had such a good time on the first series. It’s comforting coming back to a world that already has been set up and a fun puzzle figuring out where the characters are now.  

How did you feel reading the scripts for the new series?
It was really exciting to read all the drafts of the new scripts and the twists and the turns that they took. I was really amazed by the speed at which Oli and Dillon can write really classy, high standard stuff and come up with alternative storylines all over the show and they are all really juicy. They are smart writers and all the characters have just evolved. They know our voices so what they came up with was a joy to play.

What did you make of the success of series one?
I was delighted it was so well received as we were all so proud of it. I think it’s a really good quality, different comedy with a lot of heart. I’m glad that viewers end up rooting for them after going on that journey with them.

Why do you think audiences loved the show so much?
I think it resonates with people. That combination of having a specific world that seems a bit alien but within it, there are characters who you root for and they have traits that you recognise. They have problems that we all have and sprinkled in are lots of jokes.  It’s all done with a lightness of touch so it’s quite a delicious recipe.  

Where do we find Fiona at the start of the series?
At the start of the series, Fiona has seemingly got what she wanted, Rachel back in the fold and her family together in the order. But there’s a good dose of guilt and doubt simmering below the surface. I feel this series is all about relationships and its her relationship with David that is really under the microscope. The fact that Rachel is going through this process of arranged marriage kind of forces Fiona to confront her own ideas and if marriage makes sense. What are her feelings for David? And at the same time, she’s having doubts over her relationship, she’s also got a love rival in Maude and feels surprisingly threatened by her. There’s a lot going on.

How did you feel about Sian Clifford coming in to play Maude?
When I knew Sian Clifford was playing Maude, I thought it was absolutely inspired casting. I knew she was going to be sensational, and she did not disappoint. We have known each other since drama school so it was just like two kids playing in the sandpit really. The look of Maude is from every horror film ever. It’s just perfect. Also, to have a Fiona and Maude face off was pretty great!

How do you think Fiona has evolved since series one?
She’s having to confront things that she has really kept a lid on and at times I think it’s painful for her. It’s scary to have to question rigid ideas you’ve had your entire life.

What are you most looking forward to audiences seeing in this series?
You see more of the world of the order of the Divine Rod. The world just feels bigger this time and I’m excited for the audiences to delve in.