Kiff McManus

Category: News Release

AGE: 53

OCCUPATION: Sound Recordist

LIVES IN: Surrey

Kiff lives in Surrey with his wife and three kids. He has worked as a soundman for 18 years, making documentaries in some of the world’s most dangerous places. He has made some of the world’s toughest documentaries, and lived to tell the tale.

He takes his role as sound recordist on the island very seriously and says that the ‘I have to do my job, so even if I want to walk off into the forest and have a paddy, I can’t.’

 His motivation to join the group was in part a desire to test himself professionally. Despite often travelling for work Kiff’s biggest concern was the lack of communication with his family.

Q: What is the key thing you will take away from your time on the island?
A: The key thing I have taken from the island is my love of civilisation. No wonder we invented it. The caveman lifestyle sucks.

Q: Has your time on the island changed your perspective on life?
A: I don’t think it has changed my perspective on life. However I think it has changed my perspective on people. In a tight spot it’s people you need and given the chance they will usually come through for you.