The Killing - episode synopses

Category: News Release


Sarah's left reeling when she learns that the photo which places Richmond on the bridge at the time of Rosie's murder (and in the very car where her body was found) has been falsified - and by Holder no less. She once again abandons her plans to move to California and goes straight to Lt. Oakes, who seems oddly reluctant to take this information to the district attorney, and worries that Sarah's gone down the rabbit hole... again. Sarah realizes that she's on her own. If Richmond was set up and Rosie's killer is still out there, she can't simply let this go.

Sarah begins compiling evidence to prove that the photo was faked, and immediately encounters resistance and a hasty cover-up. Holder clearly isn't a rogue cop acting alone. Rosie's murder is likely a pawn in something much bigger. Meanwhile, Stan attempts to hold the family together in the wake of Mitch's desertion and Richmond's arrest. But rather than getting some closure, the family is once again thrown into the spotlight with the details of Rosie's personal life being made public and Belko's vigilante act of revenge.


Episode 2 - MY LUCKY DAY

Sarah follows Gil Sloane, Holder's former boss in Narcotics and current NA sponsor, and sees him meeting with Mayor Adam's campaign adviser - and now knows how far up this goes. She's sure that Gil is the one who provided Holder with the doctored Richmond photo and also suspects Lt. Oakes of being involved. Sarah retraces Richmond's steps the night of Rosie's murder and is surprised by what she discovers. She takes the new evidence to the Deputy Prosecuting Attorney and waits for the fallout.

Meanwhile, the Larsen family is stunned and frightened when someone leaves Rosie's old backpack on their doorstep. Stan is particularly shaken when he sees the old bloodstains along with fresh blood. Lt. Oakes tells Holder to take the backpack to the lab - and to a specific tech, rather than the one Sarah always used. Something begins to gnaw at Holder, and he relays his concerns to Gil who tells him to drop it - the case is closed. Holder knows something's amiss and desperately attempts to get in touch with Sarah, who no longer trusts him. And Richmond survives the surgery, but awakens to find a new slew of hurdles that he must face.