Kiss Me First Character Bios

Category: News Release

Leila played by Tallulah Haddon

Leila’s real life is lonely now her mother has died, but the virtual reality game Azana promises excitement and an opportunity to show off her enviable skills. Leila’s not had much in her life and has become an expert at building computers from very little. Playing in Azana as Shadowfax, she stumbles across a hidden group of players who change her life forever.

Tess played by Simona Brown

Tess struggles in the real world, but in the virtual reality game, Azana, her avatar, Mania belongs to a secret group, Red Pill. Red Pill and its leader, Adrian has become Mania’s safe space where she can escape her troubles and swim. Adrian thinks that Tess needs a friend in the real world, and that Leila might be the ideal candidate. Tess seeks out Leila and is determined to make the friendship work.

Adrian played by Matthew Beard

Adrian, the leader of Red Pill, is as mysterious as he is powerful. He created Red Pill, a secret paradise to hide a group of Azana members who aren’t interested in the monotony of the rest of the game. Adrian chooses who can join.

Jonty played by Matthew Aubrey

Jonty needs somewhere affordable to live, so when he sees Leila’s room for rent ad, he knows it’s perfect for him. Jonty is Welsh and also an actor, only working as a barista until he lands his big break. Jonty is mischievous but loyal and wonders who Leila is always speaking to in her room.

Calumny played by George Jovanovic

Cyryl’s life at home is heart-breaking and the escape into the virtual reality world of Azana Planet allows him to transform into his digital avatar, Calumny. Being a part of the secret group, Red Pill and having friend like Adrian, Red Pill’s leader, to rely on is so good, it’s almost addictive.

Force played by Freddie Stewart

Force enjoys being a part of a secret group in Azana because he’s met the love of his life, Jocasta. His real life isn’t so good but Force has a plan, when the time is right, Force is going to London to get his girl.

Jocasta played by Misha Butler

When Shadowfax arrives in Red Pill, Jocasta’s warm and welcoming personality contrast the rest of the group who are suspicious of this outsider. For Jocasta, being a part of Red Pill, the secret group hidden in Azana gives her the opportunity to hang out with people who understand what it’s like to be different. In virtual reality, Jocasta can be whoever she wants to be and she wants to be with Force.

Tippi played by Haruka Abe

Tippi is protective of Red Pill, the secret group that’s hidden in Azana, the virtual reality game. When Shadowfax arrives unannounced, Tippi wants their leader, Adrian to evict her. Being a part of Red Pill allows Tippi to escape her real life, and we’ll discover that she’s prepared to do anything to protect it.