Krypton Programme Synopsis

Category: News Release

Episode One – Pilot

In the series premiere episode, Seg learns that his home planet of Krypton has been targeted by the world-consuming alien known as Brainiac, so that his future grandson – the greatest hero of all time – will never be born.


Episode Two – House of El

After suffering a tragedy, Seg adjusts to the realities of his mission, as well as his newfound rank in the Guilded class, and a new threat. He vows to direct all of his energy toward saving Krypton from Brainiac – as the last son of House El.


Episode Three – The Rankless Initiative

During the chaotic Black Zero crackdown on Seg’s home district known as the Rankless Initiative, Seg and Adam race to find Brainiac’s deady Sentry, while Lyta-Zod (series star GEORGINA CAMPBELL) juggles her position as Commander with her love for Seg.