Living with the Amish contributor Q & As

Category: News Release

Living with the Amish follows six British teenagers leaving their mobile phones, Facebook accounts and partying behind, as they head to Ohio to see if they can hack six weeks of hard work and simple living.

Meet the six British teens who took part in the series.


Charlotte, 18, is a University student from Devon.

What are your hobbies?
Laughing, eating, singing, walking, jogging, table tennis, acting, charity shopping (obsession), being happy, and making the world a better place!


Describe yourself in three words


How would your friends describe you?
The wild card, crazy chick, chirpy, happy-chappy, and a very kind-hearted person.
Oh, and most definitely indecisive and disorganised.


Why did you decide to take part in the series?
It sounded like something extraordinary...when I watched the last series the Amish just blew me away on how they accepted simplicity. They also weren't blinkered by trappings of modern world (therefore NO pressure) I wanted to strip back to basics and take time to be satisfied and be comfortable with myself, without being pressured into being what people would expect me to be. I wanted to break away from my fast becoming obsessional behaviour (clothes, make-up and the way I look) which is exhausting and very boring.  


What did you know about the Amish culture before you agreed to take part?
Not a great deal, but I found myself connecting with the people through the TV, due to them being so honest, respectful and having so much love for their life and community.  I obviously noticed the simplicity and them wanting to be separate from worldly things.


What did you most enjoy about the experience?
Bonding with the Amish people, and feeling like I belonged with them in their close-knit communities. I also loved the fact that they cared for each other so much and never really put themselves first. It was so refreshing to see that popularity was nothing to do with appearance; it was just all about the person you are inside - unlike our society where popularity is based on the amount of alcohol you can consume, how much sex you have, how successful you can be in life, and how beautiful you look.


What did you least enjoy?
Nothing, I LOVED BEING WITH THE AMISH. Although, I suppose watching the chicken fighting for its last burst of life was pretty tough. But, I still managed to eat chicken soup straight after, and it was delicious!


Were you surprised with the Amish people you met?
I thought they would be suspicious of us, but they embraced us, like we were one of the family.


Would you join the Amish community full time?
YES YES YES! But, only if my parents could tag along too! Love everything about the Amish, and the way they live their life!


If you could sum up what you learnt about the Amish way of life, what would it be?
They Live for God, and make life as beautiful as possible for all.


What did you miss most when you were living the simple life?
To begin with I did find myself worrying about how I would look without my make-up, but this soon past as I really settled into the Amish way of life.


What did you miss least?
Feeling pressured by our society and how it seems to sculpt you into looking a certain way to be noticed and accepted.


Have you made any changes to your own life after meeting the Amish?
I seem to find myself valuing life more and what it holds for me in the future. I am more satisfied with who I am and don't feel I have to mould into looking a certain way to be accepted. I make more of an effort with people, and get to know them instead of judging on appearance. I find myself wearing less flaunting fashion, and I don't always think about dressing to impress the guys. I have great aspirations of working with communities to bring people together. I also find myself praying to someone when I need guidance in what I should do (maybe God). I am still questioning whether I want to carry on the journey of becoming a Christian, because I was so touched by the Amish and how they have changed me for the better! 



George, 17, is a student at Eton College who hails from Yorkshire.


What are your hobbies?
Acting (theatre), sport, guitar


Describe yourself in three words
Full, energetic, willing


How would your friends describe you?
Curious and always looking to find out more


Why did you decide to take part in the series?
As a unique opportunity, something never done before.


What did you know about the Amish culture before you agreed to take part?
Not a huge amount, just their religious tendencies and their modest lifestyles.


What did you most enjoy about the experience?
Meeting so many friendly, welcoming and ego-less people.


 What did you least enjoy?
The early starts (5am).


Were you surprised with the Amish people you met?
Hugely surprised by how friendly and welcoming everyone was.


 Would you join the Amish community full time?
If I was born there then I would happily be part of their community, but I've already seen too much of the outside world.


 If you could sum up what you learnt about the Amish way of life, what would it be?
A socialist community based around hard work and family values.


What did you miss most when you were living the simple life?
Close friends.


What did you miss least?
British weather and the monotony of teenage school life.


Have you made any changes to your own life after meeting the Amish?
I find myself more interested in people as individuals and I probably have a better work ethic and respect for my family.



Hannah, 17, is from Hackney, London and is a street performer.


What are your hobbies?
Singing, dancing (badly), debating politics, God, whatever comes up.


Describe yourself in three words
Controversial, fun-loving, pensive


How would your friends describe you?
Weirdo, eccentric, loyal, constantly singing, living in her own little world


Why did you decide to take part in the series?
I was looking for adventure. I want to see the world and also understand my faith.


What did you know about the Amish culture before you agreed to take part?
Not a lot, I knew they were strict Christians and lived like it was 100 years ago but not much else.


 What did you most enjoy about the experience?
Meeting new people every day, jumping into something out of my comfort zone - it gives me a buzz!


 What did you least enjoy?
The food - especially the sweet corn... I hate sweet corn. I would always pass it along if offered (which was often!)


Were you surprised with the Amish people you met?
A little, the women were more demure than I expected but they loved what they did even though I could never deal with it.


 Would you join the Amish community full time?
No, I couldn't be put in my place like that. I have too much of a rebellious spirit!


 If you could sum up what you learnt about the Amish way of life, what would it be?
Take care of others and they will take care of you and practice what you preach!


What did you miss most when you were living the simple life?
Just the hustle and bustle of everyday life. Oh, and of course my lovely boyfriend Mark!


What did you miss least?
Dull scenery.


Have you made any changes to your own life after meeting the Amish?
I have left school and begun to question organised religion - whether that's good or bad I couldn't say.





James, 17 lives in Camden, London and is a student.


What are your hobbies?
Eating, sleeping, living life


Describe yourself in three words
Adele's future husband? Good looking chap.


How would your friends describe you?
A nicer guy than me [Jack]


Why did you decide to take part in the series?
I wanted to see how and why the Amish live the way they do.


What did you know about the Amish culture before you agreed to take part?
Not a lot. I didn't do any background research.


What did you most enjoy about the experience?
Meeting some wonderful people.


What did you least enjoy?
Waking up early! It was a killer.


Were you surprised with the Amish people you met?
How welcome they made me. Because it is such a big thing for them to let us in their homes.


 Would you join the Amish community full time?
I doubt it. I think it's too hard a life to adjust full time to.


If you could sum up what you learnt about the Amish way of life, what would it be?
That family and hard work is everything.


What did you miss most when you were living the simple life?


What did you miss least?
The rush of the outside world.


Have you made any changes to your own life after meeting the Amish?
I see my family a lot more and I work a lot harder now.





Jordan, 18, is a student who lives near Brighton 


What are your hobbies?
Writing, playing guitar


Describe yourself in three words
Tall, brunette, ?


How would your friends describe you?
You'd have to ask them.


Why did you decide to take part in the series?
Because I saw Series 1 and was intrigued by the Amish way of life.


What did you know about the Amish culture before you agreed to take part?
Not a lot, only what I saw from the first series.


What did you most enjoy about the experience?
Building the barn.


What did you least enjoy?
The early mornings.


Were you surprised with the Amish people you met?
I was surprised how welcoming they were.



Would you join the Amish community full time?
I couldn't join full-time, no.


If you could sum up what you learnt about the Amish way of life, what would it be?
For a closed door community, they're very welcoming.


What did you miss most when you were living the simple life?
The news


What did you miss least?


Have you made any changes to your own life after meeting the Amish?
I appreciate my family more.





Siana, 19, is a Cambridge undergraduate who lives in London.


What are your hobbies?
Photography, blogging, radio-DJing


Describe yourself in three words
‘Full of beans!'


How would your friends describe you?
Eccentric, energetic, loud!


Why did you decide to take part in the series?
At first, I just wanted to see if I would get chosen! Then when I did get the call, I decided I'd go through with it because I wanted to see how open-minded I really am. I wanted to challenge myself and meet people who were completely unlike myself!


What did you know about the Amish culture before you agreed to take part?
Very little - I thought they were faux. 1800ers, probably dull as dishwater and intensely religious. I stand corrected.


What did you most enjoy about the experience?
Meeting amazing people, leading quite an uncomplicated life, challenging my own views and digging deep inside myself.


What did you least enjoy?
The daily chores. I bloody hate washing dishes. I was also not keen on the plain clothing and covering up my hair. Oh, I didn't like the food much!


Were you surprised with the Amish people you met?
Very surprised. They were so welcoming and friendly. Some were more open-minded than I thought they would be. Some were more like me than I thought they would be too.


Would you join the Amish community full time?
Never ever ever. I'd visit some of the life-long friends I made though.


If you could sum up what you learnt about the Amish way of life, what would it be?
You get a lot of satisfaction from putting others first. Also, it isn't so hard to lead a less complicated life. We can all do it if we make a few small changes.


What did you miss most when you were living the simple life?
I didn't really know what was going on in the world! I felt really cut off.


What did you miss least?
My mobile phone and my very full diary!


Have you made any changes to your own life after meeting the Amish?
I'm listening more and (hopefully) talking less. Also it's very important to put those you love first.