Martin Trenaman Q & A

Category: News Release

1. The show already has a cult following and people are eagerly awaiting the first series, what can they expect?
They can expect to get to know the characters and the world in which they live. I think if they liked the pilot episode, they'll love the series; and if they didn't like the pilot, they should try the series anyway. It's a show that works on quite a few levels and Phil Bowker (Writer, Producer, Director) has observed this world remarkably well. The show has been heavily researched.

2. It's quite a small cast and you have all been working together for two years now - is there anything that has surprised you about anyone?
I was surprised at how well they all looked at 6.30am in the morning. Nothing has really surprised me about this amazing cast, they're all at the top of their game and it's a pleasure to work with them. I have honestly never worked with a cast this good. As long as I remain Phil's favourite I'm happy.

3. The chemistry between the characters on-screen is very strong, how much do you stick to the script and how much do you improvise?
The script has already been through improvisation workshops quite a few times, so we tried to stick pretty much to the script. However Phil is such a bloody good director to work with, he'll always be open to new ideas. But if he puts his arm round my shoulders and walks me into the corner, I know it's a no, and stick to the script.

4. This is an ensemble piece, how do you all work in bringing your ideas together for the script?
The funny bits stay, the rubbish bits are on a tape at Talkback Thames. It's actually a very easy process, no arguments. Phil goes through all the miles of tape and decides what stays. Someone's got to be in charge, and Phil's very good at it.

5. How would you best describe your character to someone who hasn't seen the show before? Are you anything like your character in real life?
Lance is a bit of an idiot, a man out of time. He should have moved on at his age, but he's still there. A good salesman plunged into a cut throat arena. He's sort of the embarrassing dad of the piece, getting things wrong, but just about steering the ship. I would describe him as ‘a lovable dick'.

6. Have you ever been baffled by sales jargon and conned into buying something you didn't really want?
I'm sitting in it now.

7. What has been the reaction from people who actually work in mobile phone shops?
Most of them think it's a documentary. The reaction has been fantastic. I've been into three phone shops since the pilot and all three had ‘Newman' badges printed for their new man and one had all the character's names printed on badges.

8. What have been your funniest moments filming so far?
There have been loads, but I can't tell you. I'm under orders. The main funny moments are when I remember the funny script and say it out loud when the cameras are on.

9. After all those weeks filming is there anything you're looking forward to doing once it's all finished?
I can't wait for a lie in.