Meet the on air team, D-J

Category: News Release

Martin Dougan

Martin will be bringing his dulcet Scottish tones to a TV near you during the build-up to the London 2012 Paralympic Games. 

When he's not broadcasting or on the basketball court, he's weaving his carpentry magic, fashioning exquisite pieces of furniture on the streets of the Glasgow. 

Martin has been pine-ing (sorry) for the bright lights of C4, and his presenting style is far from wooden.

Since winning a place on the Channel 4 presenter talent search he has worked on productions at BBC Childrens, BBC Sport Scotland, IMG Premier League News and Perform Progressive Sports Media, as well as reporting for Channel 4 at the 2011 BT Paralympic World Cup and wheelchair rugby world cup in Cardiff.


Did you know? When he was in primary school, a TV crew came to interview Martin for a piece on disabled kids. They asked his classmates what they wanted to be when they grew up. They said doctor, vet, policeman etc, but when they got to Martin he uttered with a little, squeaky, angelic voice: "I want to be BATMAN."


Career highlights

Plays for Lothian Phoenix wheelchair basketball club

Head of development for Lothan Phoenix youth squad

Hand-picked by C4 to report from the BT Paralympic World Cup 2012



Q. Who do you think will be the star of the 2012 Paralympics?

A.  I could mention a few, however my star is gonna have to be Nathan 'POWERHOUSE' Stephens. That's not an official title for him, I came up with that.  


Q. Which event - or which athlete - are you most looking forward to watching and why?

A. I'm always going to say wheelchair basketball because that's the sport I play, although I have recently been raving about how exciting the cycling will be at the velodrome.  It's a fantastic venue, the sport itself is fast and pulsating. When you watch these guys surge past you get that feeling of adrenaline. I do anyway.


Q. Which of the ParalympicsGB team do you think will surprise us?

A.  The boccia team. I managed to catch up with the BC3 pairs team at the BT Paralympic World Cup last year. They are a young, enthusiastic bunch of individuals and they are making waves on the circuit. They are improving all the time, so watch this space.  


Q. What aspect of covering the Paralympics are you most excited about?

A.  Everything - and I mean that. I have been involved with wheelchair basketball for as long as I can remember, I have watched the Paralympics (good or bad) since I was a lad.  But this one is different, the Paralympics is coming home, and everyone at Channel 4 is working hard to make sure it's the best the world has ever seen.  That's making history, and to be involved with that process is an honour.  As for the athletes, when I look across the board at all of the different sports, more often than not ParalympicsGB have a good chance of a medal.  Never mind the Olympics, come September the party everyone will be talking about will be the Paralympic Games.  


Q. What is your biggest fear about the Games?

A.  As a reporter, my fear is that the audience won't enjoy the coverage. I really want 2012 to be the leap forwards for the Paralympics.  If this doesn't change things, nothing will. I also get the shivers when I ponder the possibility of the GB wheelchair basketball team coming away without a medal.   


Q. Tell us something about another member of the C4Paralympics team.

A. Are there others? Arthur Williams - or should I say 'ART'. First thing you notice about Mr Williams is his competitive nature.  The ex-Marine is always the first to put himself forward for any challenge. The annoying thing about that is:  he delivers the goods, and I say that in the friendliest possible manner. He is a well spoken guy who is organised and works well under pressure.  At the start I mistook Arthur's confidence for arrogance, but the more I got to know him, the more I saw that that confidence or arrogance that he has is one of his best qualities.  He will be one of the presenters; so unfortunately, you'll have to see his mug all over your TV!  However, I'm pretty sure come crunch time (when that red light goes on), Arthur will do well.  


Q. The GB team won 42 golds last time, how many will they get at London 2012?

A.  Hard to say.  I have high expectations, so I hope they blow that 42 out the water.  I'll go 51.