The Bridge - Maura

Meet Maura

Category: Press Pack Article


Age: 20

Location: County Kildare, Ireland

Occupation: Hotel Entertainer & Fitness Instructor

Marital Status: Single


Irish Maura moved to London when she was just 16 to attend drama school, teaching herself basic life skills like washing and cooking using YouTube. She cites herself as being extremely competitive and was on the Irish National Tennis team at the age of 8. Maura admits her upbringing was privileged, but she has recently lost her job as a hotel entertainer/fitness instructor due to Covid-19. A self-confessed people pleaser, Maura would rather ignore nasty people rather than confront them.


Do you have any idea what you're going to do?

No, no idea whatsoever! Every time I think I know something; I get a totally different curveball thrown in.


What are some of the scenarios that have been going through your mind?

I know it's something to do with the wilderness and we’ve got big backpacks. So I'm guessing we're going to be on the move. There's money up for grabs so I'm also thinking it's going to be some form of a competition. I don't know if it's going to be knockout or a team. And that's really it, apart from that I've nothing else to work with!


There is £100,000 up for grabs. How important is the money to you?

I mean, I definitely want it! I’m very competitive – I’m from a very competitive family, even when we were kids playing Monopoly, we always wanted to win. There'd be no prize, but just the feeling of winning makes you feel great. So yes, now there's money involved, I definitely will want to put my best foot forward.


How ruthless are you prepared to be to get that money?

Well, I think I will play fair, but it depends what the situation is. I'd like to think I could win by being totally fair and totally honest. But if I found out there was a loophole or there was a faster way, I wouldn't tell the others necessarily because that's how you're going to win. And I want to win.