
Category: News Release

AGE: 26
FROM: Brighton
LIVING: Trying to move over to NYC, to be near her sister Amy
OCCUPATION: Chinese and Business graduate seeking to launch her career
FAMILY: Identical twin to Megan

Megan had been living back at home with her parents, following a three month trip to China to practise her language skills (she’s fluent in Mandarin) when she decided to surprise twin Amy in New York.
She’s a recent graduate and thinks NY holds far more opportunities for her. Coupled with the fact that being separated from Amy is like missing a limb, it seemed like a no-brainer to move out and try to conquer the Big Apple.
When her sister was originally looking for a month’s internship in New York Megan sorted her out a placement in the gallery as she already knew the owner. This resulted in Amy’s subsequent job offer and allowed her to move over permanently. Now Megan says Amy is living her dream life in NY and she wants a piece of it!

Megan is currently doing all she can to secure a job so that she can make her stay in New York permanent. Ideally she would like to work in luxury management in art, fashion or luxury cars. She also likes the idea of something corporate like imports and exports to utilise her language skills.

Megan doesn’t have a type but does like a tall, chiselled, funny guy. She arrived as a single lady in New York but hasn’t been short of attention from the off.


What made you decide to move to New York?

Amy, my twin sister, was obviously a massive reason for moving to NY. We are of course more than capable of living our separate lives in different countries but we're so much better when together. Also living in NY has always been a dream of mine. Ever since I came to NY for my 18th Birthday I fell in love with the city and knew that I wanted to live here. I love London but feel that now is the time to give living in NY a chance, whilst I'm still young.

What do you miss most from home and what are the best and worst things about living in New York?

I obviously miss my friends and family the most. I'm extremely close to my parents and brother who are all based in the UK. I miss my group of girlfriends from London too.

The best thing about NY is having my twin here. The worst thing is needing a visa to work here!

I love the different neighbourhoods and the number of different cultures throughout it. The subway is definitely the worst thing, I am constantly getting lost and taking the wrong train. I get so frustrated to the point of tears. The London tube is unquestionably better!

Tell us your top 3 highlights since landing in New York?
Being reunited with my twin, meeting some of the other cast members and getting to know the city.

Which of the cast do you fancy the most?