Miliband of Brothers

Category: News Release

From the production company behind More4's When Boris Met Dave, which charted the careers of Boris Johnson and David Cameron, comes Miliband of Brothers a docu-drama exploring the inexorable political rise and filial relationship of Ed and David Miliband - culminating in the ultimate sibling rivalry - the leadership of the Labour Party.

Playing David and Ed are real-life brothers Henry (In Betweeners; Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire) and Ben Lloyd-Hughes (Personal Affairs; Skins); Henry plays David while Ben plays Ed.

David and Ed Miliband's lives and political journeys have taken them from being the sons of one of Britain's most significant Marxist thinkers to the most powerful brothers inside New Labour. As they developed from teenage political anoraks to Labour MPs and then to the Cabinet, their progress has reflected the break-up of the British Left and the wildly varying fortunes of the Labour Party.

Despite the often turbulent nature of 13 years of a Labour Government, their sibling bond has remained strong - until now. Following election defeat and the end of the Blair-Brown era, New Labour is looking for a new direction and a new leader.  Both David and Ed want the job.  Both are favourites.  After decades of his little brother copying his every educational and career move, will this be the first time that David comes second?

This documentary shines a light on the personalities and the motivations of the two brothers. It contains dramatised scenes incorporating archive of events from the time, supported by interviews with a wide range of people who have known and/or influenced the brothers - teachers, university friends, former colleagues and key Labour figures Tony Benn, Neil Kinnock and Oona King among others.