The Mill: Episode one synopsis

Category: News Release

It’s just before dawn and the bell wakes the young apprentices for another twelve-hour shift at Quarry Bank Mill. Charlie Crout (Craig Parkinson), the ruthless overseer, has his eye on apprentice Miriam (Sacha Parkinson), forcing her to leave the factory floor with him against her will. Within minutes, a young apprentice called Tommy (Connor Dempsey) has a serious accident but the overseer Crout is nowhere to be seen. Concealing his negligence from Samuel Greg (Donald Sumpter), the patriarchal Mill owner, Crout helps to rush Tommy to the infirmary. Esther (Kerrie Hayes), a spirited young Scouser, presses her fellow apprentice Miriam to reveal Crout’s true whereabouts at the time of Tommy’s accident. When Miriam fails to do so, Esther speaks out. Fearing repercussions for her pregnant sister Susannah (Holly Lucas), Miriam denies the allegations, and Esther is painted as a liar and a troublemaker.

A few miles away in Manchester - ahead of his appearance before the Parliamentary Commission on factory legislation - Samuel’s ambitious son Robert Greg (Jamie Draven) visits a debtor’s prison, where he recruits a young and talented mechanic Daniel Bate (Matthew McNulty) who has been blacklisted for political activity. It’s Robert’s vision to modernise production at the Mill and Daniel will be provided with a workshop and funds to help Robert realise his dream of spinning and weaving on the same premises. Accepting the job, Daniel arrives at Quarry Bank Mill to a tense atmosphere, and taking an immediate dislike to Crout, sets about improving safety conditions.

Crout, meanwhile, has made it his mission to take revenge on young Esther, getting her fined for lateness. Rashly, Esther sabotages the Mill bell, allowing all of the apprentices a precious few minutes’ extra sleep. As the consequences of Esther’s actions unfold, Crout seeks a more sinister revenge, and Esther’s violent defence lands her in even bigger trouble.