Misfits and the strange case of the missing RTS award

Category: News Release

In their time, those orange-jumpsuited miscreants the Misfits have faced some terrible enemies, including psycho probation worker, video game man, tattoo weirdo and milkboy. But today it emerged they had been attacked by their most deadly foe of all - RTS Not Very Good at Adding Up Man (or possibly woman, no sexism here please!)

Due to an administrative error, at Monday evening's RTS Craft and Design Awards, the award for Best Effects - Digital was given to Doctor Who when, in fact, the jury had voted for Misfits, for the digital effects supplied by the company Shadowjack.

The mistake was discovered thanks to Kelly, whose ability to read minds ensured that she knew in advance how all of the jury had voted.

The RTS has taken immediate and thorough steps to rectify the situation, and the award will now go to Shadowjack, Clerkenwell Films and E4. Erik Ellefsen, George Kyparissous, Sarah Norton and Jo Amery of Shadowjack will be presented with their award at a special ceremony in the New Year.

In order to spare any blushes, the RTS has requested that Curtis use his powers to turn back time so that the whole mistake could be avoided. Unfortunately, it has been pointed out that Curtis no longer has that power in the latest series, and his ability to turn himself into a woman is of little advantage in this situation.

It was subsequently pointed out that Kelly's mind-reading powers were also from a previous series. However, we are the Channel 4 Press Centre, and our secret power is to be able to write articles with no consistency or continuity whatsoever. Ha. Shazam. Take that!

We are now looking into the possibility that every single award given at Monday's ceremony, and indeed at every awards ceremony in recent years, should have gone to the Channel 4 stable. After all, any other result just seems ridiculous.