More4 commissions 2012: The Maya Apocalypse

Category: News Release

More 4 has commissioned Timeline Films to make 2012: The Maya Apocalypse, a 1 x 60 minute film, in which writer and broadcaster Paul Murton explores the ancient prophesy that the world will end in 2012.

According to the ancient Maya of Central America, we are all doomed. The countdown to the apocalypse began several thousand years ago and time is running out. The Mayan understanding of astronomy was startlingly advanced, and some of the indications found in their calendar that a cataclysmic happening will come about in December 2012 are compelling.

In this film, Paul Murton travels to America to explore how the phenomenon now better known as ‘2012' has swept across the internet with hundreds of websites featuring frightening predictions - all envisaging a different take on the impending world cataclysm. Murton examines how this terror has spawned ‘survival communities' in which people hoard food supplies, learn how to defend themselves and build bunkers to see them through the impending apocalypse.

To discover who the Maya really were, he visits the ruins of the ancient Maya city of El Mirador in Central America to see where the civilisation was founded and gain an insight into why they believed the world would be on the threshold of destruction in 2012 - specifically 21st December at 12pm. Murton commented, ‘This city has been at the heart of vast and thriving civilisation thousands of years ago yet today it is covered by jungle. Perhaps we should consider the possibility that our own civilisation could meet a similar fate?'

On working with Channel 4, Timeline's Executive Producer Kathryn Ross says, ‘It is very refreshing to work with commissioners who were receptive to working with a small Scottish indie and we are very excited at the prospect of making more films for Channel 4.'

Ian McKenzie from Channel 4 Creative Diversity added, "Timeline Films have made dramatic progress in a short space of time with Channel 4, going from Alpha Fund development to full commission in the space of a few months.  This is great evidence of our continuing commitment to diversity of supply, and we hope the first of many examples of companies new to Channel 4 gaining commissions."

Timeline Films is a Scottish based independent production company and 2012: The Maya Apocalypse is the first commission for Channel 4.

2012: The Maya Apocalypse is written, directed and presented by Paul Murton and produced by Arlene Jeffrey and Kathryn Ross. The film is due to TX in January 2012 on More 4.