Muslim voices take over C4's continuity announcer's mic during Ramadan

Category: News Release


London Mayor Sadiq Khan will be joining other Muslim voices taking a guest turns at the Channel 4’s continuity announcer’s mic during Ramadan.

Channel 4 has invited a range of Muslim voices to introduce programmes and also provide an insight to viewers about a range of aspects of Ramadan.

In his link into Our Wildest Dreams at 8pm today (18.05.18), Sadiq Khan reveals that coffee is one of the things he craves most while fasting during Ramadan. He also talks about breaking his fast with people of other faiths.

The announcements will run daily throughout the month of Ramadan at or close to the 8pm slot.

Other Muslim voices involved in the Channel 4 mic take over include comedian Sadia Azmat, Lord Hussain, journalist Myriam Francois and former international rounders player Dana Abdulkarim. In addition Baroness Warsi is also lined up to record a link referencing her experiences of Ramadan.

The initiative is the latest of many by Channel 4’s continuity team whereby voices from diverse communities provide links between programmes. Previously the team has marked 100 years since women won the right to vote, International Transgender Day of Visibility and International Men’s Day.

