My Big Fat Fetish

Category: News Release

Most of us are trying to lose weight but this is a film about a group of big women who are happy with their weight and some of who want to get even fatter. As the western world becomes increasingly obese, fat is becoming a fetish and these women are becoming renowned for their fat bodies. Fat girls eating food is becoming an underground internet activity.

A ‘gainer' is a term for a woman who is paid to overeat and gain weight.  In recent years, magazines and online websites featuring fat women known as ‘Big Beautiful Women' - some of these online models are also known as 'gainers' - have become more and more popular. Not only do these women love their fat bodies but there are millions of men around the world who admire them and are willing to pay to watch these women eat online. My Big Fat Fetish is a brand new one-off documentary which follows the life of four women in the USA and UK. All four of them are ‘Big' models and each woman is at a different stage of their relationship to ‘gaining.' This fascinating film intimately explores the relationship these women have with their food and bodies, and also with their fans and reveals what motivates them to this bizarre sexual lifestyle.

Kit is a rising star in the world of ‘Big Beautiful Women' and gainers, weighing 20 stone and is getting close to her ideal weight of 21.5 stones. Growing up, Kit was a tomboy and felt sexless but she always admired big fat women. Now aged 21 she's a dental assistant but in her spare time she models in magazines under the name ‘Stuffing Kit' and posts videos online to subscription websites, where men pay money to watch her eating food. Kit is not the only one who gains sexual pleasure from gaining weight, so does her boyfriend Wes. He regularly feeds Kit food and rubs her belly and although she admits gaining isn't normal, she believes it is better to live out her sexual drive rather than to repress it.

Reenaye used to be a gainer; once she reached 29 stone she decided to stop and work to maintain this weight instead. After eight years as a model she now runs a gaining website and recruits women to model online. One of her models is British girl Lizzie from Leeds who weighs 18 stone. Lizzie is a big bubbly blonde just starting out on her modelling career; she goes abroad to Florida to take part in her first photo-shoot and video for Reenaye's website. Taking Lizzie under her wing, Reenaye explains that keeping in touch with the fan base is vital to making money.

Goddess Patty was the one-time Queen of the gaining world, weighing 44 stone. Tragically she is now too heavy to walk unaided and lives as a semi-invalid, virtually immobile and requires 24/7 care from her son Richard. Patty hasn't gone outside for six weeks but she still performs ‘squashings' for paying punters where she sits and bounces on them.

Through the lives of these four women, My Big Fat Fetish will look at where this unusual lifestyle started, what makes it so popular and why thousands of fans are willing to pay money to watch women ‘gaining' online.


Producer / Director - Nick Betts
Executive Producer - Eve Kay
Assistant Producer - Jon Cahn
Production Company - Betty