My Big Fat Gypsy Christmas - Exclusive Clips

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My Big Fat Gypsy Christmas. Tuesday 13 December at 9pm on Channel 4


Christmas is a time for family, a time for peace and for harmony but it is also a time to celebrate. From the makers of My Big Fat Gypsy Weddings comes a one-off observational documentary following the celebrations and traditions of members of the Irish traveller community at Christmas time. 

Filmed last Christmas, as a thick layer of snow covered the land, we are presented with an avalanche of dresses and diamante as travellers prepare for Christmas. Following a mass yuletide traveller First Communion ceremony and two of the most jaw dropping weddings ever shown the film also follows some of the uniquely traveller preparations that go on in the run up to Christmas day.

The film follows previously unmet Irish travellers who open their doors to the cameras and also catches up with some familiar faces; spending Christmas Day itself with Paddy and Roseanne at their home on a traveller site in Salford. 

This warm and joy-filled film offers a window into the close knit and fiercely private community. It explores some of the age old traveller traditions - and some of the newer ones too. It also answers some practical questions such as where do you gather when family and friends are scattered around the globe for most of the year? How do you hide presents for the kids when you live in a trailer? How many people can you fit in a trailer for Christmas lunch?  And just why are the outfits so important?