My Mad Fat Diary inflicts utter humiliation on C4 press team - Part 1

Category: News Release

Okay, look, we're all in favour of creativity, doing something different in PR and all that. It makes a change from the industry staple of standing around looking blonde and feeding you journos wine and vol-au-vents. But there are limits, and having to humiliate ourselves in the name of a comedy drama on E4 seems to exceed those limits. Even when the show is as good as My Mad Fat Diary (see what we did there? Subtle, huh?) But no, smartypants creative type Lyndsey Honour thought we should all bring in pictures of our 1990s selves, and share them with the world, due to the fact that My Mad Fat Diary is set in the 1990s. (And no doubt also due to the fact that she had already managed to find an acceptable picture of herself from the decade).

Anyway, here, for your delectation and our humiliation, are the pictures of the Channel 4 Press team (with a few game marketing types joining in too - bravo!) in their 1990s glory. Some of us were already in our 20s, others were mere babes in arms. But all of us looked, to a greater of lesser degree, absolutely ruddy awful. There is only one saving grace: I think if it had been 1980s, I would have looked even worse.

One more thing: ask yourself this: Head of Press Jane Fletcher manages to be on holiday just as our 90s pictures are due to go up. What fashion horrors did she have to hide, that were so bad she's travelled halfway across the world to avoid them. (Or to Magaluf, anyway - she claims Argentina, but we know her better than that.)

So, here goes nothing... The following collection of geeks, weirdoes, hippies and losers, is in alphabetical order.