New Girl stays on top

Category: News Release

Channel 4's monthly report reveals US acquisition New Girl has topped the 4oD chart for a second month, with an increase in VoD views to an impressive 3.3m.

BAFTA award-winning teen drama Skins ranked second achieving 2.2m VoD views. Youth drama series Hollyoaks continues to be a success on 4oD and was the third most viewed programme in February attracting 2m VoD views.

Documentary series Big Fat Gypsy Weddings and One Born Every Minute both attracted 1.9m VoD views across the month.

Drama was the most watched genre on 4oD with Skins, Hollyoaks, Desperate Housewives and Shameless all featuring in February's top ten most viewed programmes. Factual came in second attracting 10.7m VoD views and was followed closely by Comedy drawing 10.1m VoD views.

Channel 4's archive and catch up content attracted 45 million views throughout February, across all platforms on which 4oD is available, bringing total YTD views to 93 million.

The main 4oD platform, 4oD on Channel, drew 4.3 million average monthly unique users.  

NB It has come to my attention that, thanks to an act of blatant sabotage, almost certainly by the BBC, the following document is captioned February 2011. It is, of course, the repoert for February 2012. Nice try, Thompson!