Obsessive Compulsive Cleaners

Category: News Release

The Obsessive Compulsive Cleaners are back. This brand new series follows people who, by their own admission, cannot stop cleaning and carefully matches them with someone whose home is in dire need of a spring clean. Together these people with such contrasting compulsions will explore how their different behaviour affects their lives.

Whether it’s scrubbing an oven with a toothbrush for six hours, sleeping on the floor for fear of creasing pristine bed sheets or trimming the edges of the lawn with a pair of scissors, the cleaners will go to almost any length to make sure their homes are immaculate.

At the other end of the scale are those that live surrounded by clutter and mess. From the woman who shares her home with six goats to the lady who has filled her partner’s home with 40 years’ worth of belongings including a collection of replica baby dolls – they won’t throw anything away and it’s impossible to keep their houses clean.

The series also features a new strand, The Obsessive Compulsive Cleaners Guide to…in which a team of obsessive cleaners, led by OCD diagnosed 27-year-old bleach fan Hayley, reveal their fears and phobias about everyday places and objects. Whether it’s a trip to the supermarket, a train journey, using a public toilet or visiting a café, the cleaners carry out a range of tasks, swabbing surfaces and objects along the way, pushing their boundaries and uncovering the bacteria hotspots we all come into contact with on a daily basis.