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Category: News Release

The Island with Bear Grylls is a totally misleading programme title. If you actually were on the island with Bear Grylls, you could get him to pop you up a hammock and then lounge about all day sipping from coconuts and watching as he whittled you a house from palm fronds and knocked up a gourmet meal of curried tarantula on a red ant reduction. The entire problem with being on the infernal island is that Bear Grylls isn’t there.

So, how would you cope? Personally, I’d have had an instant panic attack and been airlifted off by the production crew and home sipping cocoa within the hour. But if you are one of these mystifying people who enjoys being pitted against the elements, you might want to check out our new video on our Instagram page, teaching the forgotten art of making fire.

After each episode, we will be adding a new 15-second film that will teach other vital survival skills, including building shelter, finding food, locating water, and fashioning your own TV-on-demand box out of sand and Acacia bark.  Be sure to check back on Channel 4’s Instagram page after every episode.

The Island with Bear Grylls is on Channel 4 on Mondays at 9pm.