Paralympic flame comes to Channel 4

Category: News Release

The Paralympic torch relay team outside Channel 4. (l to r): Jackie Bullen, Ben Harwood, Stacey Burns, Heather Hodge, Jenny Archer. Background: A ropey-looking collection of damp TV types.


The Paralympic torch swung by Channel 4's HQ on Horseferry Road this afternoon, as the torch relay travelled across London ahead of tonight's glittering opening ceremony at the Olympic Stadium in Stratford.

Preceded by a downpour of Biblical proportions, the flame nevertheless received a rousing welcome from hundreds of seriously bedraggled but hugely excited media-types.

The five torch-bearers had been nominated by Channel 4 to carry the flame on this leg of the journey.


Channel 4 Torch Bearer Team

Jackie Bullen

Jackie is a voluntary press officer for Goalball and is also mum to women's GB Goalball team member Georgie Bullen.

Jackie discovered Goalball after taking Georgie to a sports day organised by British Blind Sport. Georgie was spotted in 2009 and Jackie has been her biggest support taking her to training camps across the country.

Jackie took on the challenge of building public awareness of Goalball and gave up a huge amount of time, writing to journalists and reporters, organising awareness days, facilitating TV crews and organising the two squads. She also helped raising funds to support training and transport. It was through this role that Jackie met Stacey Burns, Series Producer of Channel 4's ‘That Paralympic Show' who nominated her. 

Jackie also runs her own house & pet sitting business.

Jackie, her husband and 3 sons Jamie, Josh & Nick will be in London cheering the team on.


Ben Harwood

Ben Harwood is a fully qualified strength and conditioning coach with considerable experience working in the field of disability sport. Ben has worked for the Royal National College for the Blind since 2009. Since coming here he has worked hard with the students who, as part of the GB/England Blind football squad, need to improve and maintain their strength and conditioning. Ben has also worked with Josie Pearson ( ex wheelchair rugby Paralympic athlete and now competing in these Paralympics in discus), James Bevis ( Paralympic event: shooting) and Sascha and Nyree Kindred (both Paralympic swimmers).  Since Beijing in 2008 Ben has given up at least 15 hours a week  of his time, at no charge, to work with these amazing athletes, showing his dedication to the individuals as well as to disability sport as a whole.

Ben was nominated by Tony Larkin, who was unable to carry the torch.


Stacey Burns

Stacey is the Series Producer of Channel 4's programme ‘Road to London 2012: That Paralympic Show'. Stacey has worked across 4 series since 2010 delivering 40 episodes of the popular Saturday lunchtime which is presented by Ade Adepitan, Rick Edwards and Iwan Thomas.

The show educates the audience on all things Parasport whilst raising the profile and awareness of a range of individual sports.  Stacey and her team have worked with all sports governing bodies and travelled the country visiting training camps and competitions in search of elite athletes and performances to bring them to a brand new audience.

As well as working on ‘That Paralympic Show' Stacey has also produced 2 series of the short films ‘BT & Channel 4 Presents....' which showcases the skill, determination and awe inspiring dedication of some of the world's best Paralympic athletes.

Stacey was nominated by Deborah Poulton, Project Leader Paralympics, Channel 4.


Heather Hodge

Heather is mother to ‘That Paralympic Show' biggest fan, 8 year old Billy. Billy, who is hemiplegic, made a video about Paralympic sport as part of a homework project. Heather sent the video to Channel 4 where the team were moved by what they saw; the video was shared and was picked up by LOCOG, IPC, BT Paralympic World Cup, Hemihelp charity and lots of Paralympic websites & athletes.

Heather is a bursar at Billy's school and has organised a Paralympic awareness day for the Summer term giving children the opportunity to try Paralympic sports as well as arranging trips to watch the BT Paralympic World Cup. Heather is also the regional rep for Hemihelp charity and arranges events for parents & families to get together and socialise and helped to set up a new facebook based support group.

Heather was nominated by Deborah Poulton, Project Leader, Paralympics Channel 4.


Jenny Archer

Jenny is coach to ParalympicsGB wheelchair racer David Weir.  Jenny met David at the London Youth Games and after following his career became his coach in 2002.

Archer guided him to double gold in Beijing 2008, triple gold at the 2011 World Championships and a record fifth title at the 2011 London Marathon. Formerly a teacher, Archer was a fitness coach with Wimbledon Football Club for eleven years before coaching Weir.

Jenny was nominated by Channel 4's reporter and and ex-Olympic 400m runner Iwan Thomas.

Iwan says; "I had the pleasure of being coached by Jenny for a feature we filmed on "That Paralympic Show" from day one I could see the close respectful bond she had with her athletes. The amount of time and dedication she gives is amazing, she is the one who deserves a medal! A real joy to meet and work with such an inspirational woman."


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