A picture raises thousands of pennies

Category: News Release

Here in the Channel 4 Press Office, we absolutely love hip, artistic, beautiful photography, and we really, really hate cancer. Or is it the other way round? No, no, we were right the first time.

Anyway, cancer being the dick that it is, we’ve decided to give it a right old shoeing at C4 by raising kerjillions of quid for Stand Up to Cancer. Ahead of Friday’s gorgeous festival of fundraising and televisual brilliance (C4, 7pm), we’re also raising funds ourselves. Some people have been on sponsored runs or bike rides, others have abseiled off tall buildings. But in the Press Office, we prefer something a little more aesthetic. A little less energetic. Something we can do while eating cake. Sweating is so 2012.

So, we’ve contacted some of the most talented, gifted and generous photographers that we work with, and pleaded with them to let us sell some of their most striking and original work.

Anyway, the long and the short of it is that we have ten absolutely fantastic limited edition prints to give away from some of the nation’s foremost (or should that be – chortle – Fourmost) photographers. Each picture is printed on heavy photographic print paper, and many of them will be signed by the photographer. And by Elvis. And the Baby Jesus. All money will go directly to Stand Up to Cancer.

Help us raise money to fund life-saving research. And, even more importantly, help us raise money so that we achieve a bigger total than the Marketing department. Visit our page on eBay for more info. Together, we can beat Marketing. Oh, and cancer.