Playing It Straight

Category: News Release

Eleven boys and one girl arrive in Spain to participate in what they think is a show called ‘Dream Date'. However, host Jameela Jamil soon shocks some of participants with the revelation that they are actually taking part in ‘Playing It Straight'.

Some of the guys are straight, and are here to try and win our girl Cara's heart. However some of the guys are merely Playing It Straight - they are actually gay but are out to deceive Cara into thinking that they're the right man for her.

Over eight episodes the boys take part in a series of comedy challenges, all the time trying to win time alone with Cara in a bid to persuade her that they're the one for her. In each show, boys are eliminated from the game - but will Cara make the right choices?

At the end of it all, if Cara chooses a straight boy they win £25k each. However if she picks one of the gay guys, he will walk away with £50k, and she will win nothing.

In the age of the ‘metro-sexual', can Cara tell who's Playing It Straight? For that matter, can we?

The series is narrated by Alan Carr.