Press Site weekly round-up

Category: News Release

Happy Monday

Welcome to the first of what could be one, or what could be many hundreds, of weekly round-ups on the Channel 4 Digital Press Centre.

This email will summarise all the thrilling, jaw-dropping and edge-of-your-seat, pant-wettingly amazing content* we have put up on the press site over the last seven days, lest you missed some of it (bad, BAD journalist).

Before we get started, I'd just like to take this opportunity to thank all of the hard workers who made it possible for this site to be recognised at last night's Oscars. It's not one of the so-called blue-riband awards, but we were given the Oscar for Best Original Song used by a Website for our smash hit "Do the Press Centre Krump (Groovy Funkadelic Jello remix)". Modesty forbids me from mentioning that this is my second Oscar (following my 1997 win for best haircut in a foreign language film, for my wedge-mullet in the Iranian film The Story of the Asthmatic Snail.)

Apparently Iron Lady won a couple of awards too (is it about Iron Man's wife?) so bully for us.