Prison embeddable video clips

Category: News Release

What would you see if you were handed the keys to a prison? For the first time in more than five years, cameras have been allowed behind bars to make a documentary series in an English prison. With exclusive access to HMP Durham, this series offers a rare insight into the challenges that prison staff face daily. Filmed over seven months, Prison tells the human story on both sides of the door, from the perspectives of staff and prisoners, and reveals the issues that they all face. Durham is a remand centre serving courts and prisons in the north east of England. With a vast weekly traffic of prisoners, from driving offenders to murderers to drug addicts, the prison has to cope with ever-changing demands, pressure on bed space and complex prisoner needs. Capturing first-hand the escalating drug problem, the scale of violence that frontline staff and prisoners endure daily and the multiple challenges of dealing with people who suffer from mental health issues, the series reflects the national issues that the prison service currently faces. The first episode deals with the epidemic of spice, the 'zombie' drug, entering HMP Durham.

TX: Thursday 19th July, 9pm, Channel 4


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