Production Insurance

Category: News Release

All productions must be insured and it is the Production Company's responsibility to ensure that the production is adequately insured.

The Channel 4 Insurance Cover requirements are set out in the document Channel 4 Production Insurance Guide.

Channel 4 has an approved insurance scheme with Media Insurance Brokers (MIB). The details of this scheme are set out in the document Media Insurance Brokers Guide.                                                               
If you would prefer, you may use an alternative broker, but the level of cover must match that of the MIB scheme. You should speak directly to a broker about your insurance requirements.
The cost of production insurance must by met by the Production Company and the premium should be included in the production budget.
If your production requires special production insurance cover, please speak to the Production Finance Manager and your broker. Explain the risk(s) that requires special cover. Do this as soon as you identify the risk because your broker may have to go into the insurance market to buy that cover. Channel 4 has an approved scheme for Personal Accident cover including War and Terrorism risks through MIB. If you choose to use this scheme, and your project is fully funded by C4, the costs will be met by C4. All other additional insurances must be included in the production budget.