Q&A with Lethal Bizzle (from Hollyoaks Later)

Category: News Release

It's not often that rap royalty comes to Chester, but Lethal Bizzle, the British rapper, is appearing in Hollyoaks Later, on E4 for five nights from Monday 17th September.


What made you want to appear in Hollyoaks - was Wretch 32's appearance that inspired you?
No, I didn't get a chance to see Wretch's episode or Maverick Sabre's unfortunately, but I heard about them and thought that was really, really cool. 


What were you most excited about filming?
Just meeting the cast and being able to play myself and perform one of my new tracks which is really energetic and I've only performed it a few times so it should be good.


Do you watch Hollyoaks, if so what was your favourite storyline?
I do like Hollyoaks and I have watched it over the years but I seem to always dip in and out of it so I couldn't say.


Can you see yourself branching out into acting the future?
It's not my first role as I've done some acting before and it's definitely something I would like to do more of in the future. After playing a small role in Another Hood that won a Bafta and from playing characters in some of my music videos it's something that comes naturally to me so I would like to do more.


Is this the first time you've met the cast?
No, I recently hosted a radio show for BBC Radio1 Xtra with Holly Western (Ash Kane), I'm looking forward to bumping into her as we had a great laugh. Also we realised we were from the same area and we never knew!


Have they offered any tips?
To be honest I'm playing myself so I don't need any tips on that, we're all just really enjoying the filming.


If you were in the show permanently, which character would you like to play and why?
Maybe a Danny Mac (Dodger Savage) type character where all the girls love him, he's really cool guy and everything he does seems to turn to gold. He's into cool things like cars and he's a guy that doesn't mind doing some crazy wacky stuff and he's just in his own lane. If they need a character like that tell them to let me know as I can push the boundaries!


What excites you most about the music industry at the moment?
Well I've been doing a bunch of gigs lately called Dench parties. I've done 20 gigs around Europe this year and it's really taken off, it's been some of the wildest parties I've ever performed at. It's like a festival in a club and I'm really excited to try and bring that back to the UK and see if takes off.


Is there anyone who you would love to collaborate with?
Collaboration-wise there's loads of people.  Adele would be one as I'm a huge fan of hers, and I would like to collaborate with Kasabian as they have to be one of my favourite British bands. They're really cool and I think we could do a cool rock-hip-hop-grime track that I think would be really cool.


What is next for Lethal Bizzle - more TV perhaps?
I wouldn't say no to more tv and acting but for me it's got to be the right thing, I don't want to do it if I can't give it my all. I've done a few things and everything I've done luckily has been quite successful - so we'll see.


If using this interview, please include the following credit: Hollyoaks Later is on E4 week commencing 17th September for five nights at 10pm - www.e4.com/hollyoakslater.