Q&As with the cast of PhoneShop

Category: News Release

Martin Trenaman (Lance)

Do you have a lot to say in how your character develops?

We do. Phil is the writer of the show and he produces, writes and directs it. We trust him implicitly. We do have an input but, ultimately, it is his decision as to what happens with the characters and where it goes. He is very happy for us to improvise but overall he is the Governor… in a very nice way


Are you anything like your character?

Christ, I hope not! I don’t think my wife would be very happy with that. He is fairly under constructed; he is an idiot. Hopefully there are not many characteristics that we share apart from my voice and appearance. I’m hoping there’s nothing that connects me hugely to Lance.


Any hints as to what’s in store for your character this series?

There are elements of change; there is a slight hint about Lances’ sexual persuasions and a slight hint of what he might be doing outside the shop and away from Shelley. Shelley may have driven him to something let’s say…There is a little bit of confusion running round him on this series and it crops up that he may have delved into something else that you might not have imagined him to do.


Is it as much fun to film as it looks?

It’s more fun than it looks. It is a delight to work with these people. It sounds w***y but everyone is at the top of their game. When we do a bit of improvisation everyone knows what they are doing.


Who’s the worst for laughing on camera?

Javone. When I’m doing scenes with him, he is hilarious because you’ll be filming a scene and he will try and keep it together until the very end and will then piss himself laughing. His face will slowly crack in front of you and then he goes and then he is gone. He is the worst but hilariously so. He has a really funny laugh as well.


What kind of reaction do you get when you go in to a shop to upgrade your ‘phone?

I’ve gone into a shop and upgraded and they assume, hilariously, that you know everything about ‘phones. They sort of get all this stuff out and say yeah this has Bluetooth etc etc. and you have to stop them and say, “Woah, woah, what is happening? What does that mean?”. I’m sure the other boys and Emma get it as well. Suddenly you’ve got three people serving you instead of one. I’m still trying to work out Facetime on mine. I don’t know what’s going on.


Does your ‘phone form an integral part of your life?

Yeah, it does. I think because we are actors you need to have that contact, I don’t know what we did before mobile ‘phones. Imagine that, queuing up for a ‘phone box.


Have you ever had a job in sales? What would you be like as a salesman?

My first job was at the Ghost Train on Brighton Pier so I suppose for six years or so I was selling myself, but I have never really worked in a shop.


Who would make the best salesman in the cast?
