Rich Fulcher talks about getting Mashed

Category: News Release

Rich Fulcher introduces an insane look at the big news events of 2012 through totally original commissioned media mash-ups made by the internet's most famous names including Dan Bull, David Schneider, cassetteboy and Rob Manuel. News events covered include Barclay's Bank LIBOR fixing, 50 Shades of Grey and Lonesome George the Galapagos tortoise are all given the mash-up treatment. C4's Drugs Live features with a trippy song ‘Tea's a Drug' (yep, The Shaman gave their approval) and a truly ‘spaced out' version of the Felix Baumgartner jump. The US elections, the Olympics 2012 meets the London riots, the Jubilee, Apple, and Duncan Bannatyne twitter spat with a Russian Gangster. No one is safe.


Tell us about 2012: Mashed?  

Mashed is the anti-end-of-year clip show.  Instead of showing you snooze-rama highlights of 2012 with clips already on the internet, we bring you totally new shit which has never been seen before.  In fact, it's so new that I'm not allowed to even see a computer until it airs.  In fact, I'm in the boot of someone's car right now with gaffer tape on my scrotum.  Wait, this is not good.....


What are your highlights of the year?

I was asked to host the show '2012: Mashed'.  I agreed to host the show '2012: Mashed'.  What else....oh, I had a baby.  I shot the show '2012: Mashed'....

What's been the funniest thing you've seen on YouTube?

I love 'Bad Lip Reading', especially the one on the first Presidential debate: 'Eye of the Sparrow' - genius.  I also loved the one where that guy jumped into that thing with the cat and fell onto that guy -- amazing.   


If you could get name mashed ie Brangelina with any celeb who would it be and what would be your name?

I guess it would have to be 'The Fulch', sort of like 'The Rock'.  But instead of being a badass, people will just think I'll do something weird to their garden.  


What are your predictions for 2013?

2013 will be known as the year of honesty, integrity, logical thinking and scientific enquiry.  Oh sorry, that's 2014.  I think this is the year we bring back throwing goat faeces at witches.  


Production Company: The Connected Set

Series Producer: Michael Livingstone

Executive Producer: Jason Mitchell

Channel 4 commissioning editors: Madeleine Knight & Richard Davidson Houston


2012: MASHED is on Channel 4 at 11:40pm on Friday 28th December.