Ricky Gervais' Derek re-commissioned for second series on C4

Category: News Release

The staff and residents of Broad Hill Retirement Home will return as Channel 4's Head of Comedy Phil Clarke announces a second run of Derek, with a re-commission of the 6x30mins series.

Phil Clarke, C4's Head of Comedy said:  "I am delighted that Derek is coming back for a second run on Channel 4. It's an original comic vision, brave, funny and touching, with a star performance at its heart. It has already garnered a loyal following".

Derek's creator Ricky Gervais said: "Derek is probably my favourite thing of everything I've done, so I can't wait to start thinking up some new adventures for the gang."

Derek episodes 1-4 have attracted a consolidated series average of 2.1m viewers (9.9% share).

The final episode in the current series plays on C4 on Wednesday 6th March at 10pm.