Ryan McHugh

Category: News Release

AGE: 21

OCCUPATION: Call Centre Worker

LIVES IN: Stockport

Ryan is the youngest of the group, and lives at home with his Mum and younger sister in Stockport – at least until he can afford to move out. Since school he has had a variety of jobs, but is currently working in a call centre alongside his Mum who is a team leader. A lot of people say Ryan is ‘weird in a good way’ and he has noticed that sometimes he doesn’t realise that he is being funny, but people just start laughing.

Ryan wanted to be part of the experiment because ‘if I’m honest my life is quite boring.’
He wants to see the world and by going to the Island he hopes to make up for the fact that he hasn’t achieved what he wanted to achieve in his life so far.

What is the key thing you will take away from your time on the island?
Memories and friends.

Has your time on the island changed your perspective on life?
Now I’m back in the UK and living the same kind of life as before I can't help but think about all of what this world has to offer, and any wanderlust I had before has been increased 10 fold. I really can't wait to get out there and experience it all.