S4C announce tender to make Gogglebocs Cymru, the Welsh language version of Gogglebox

Category: News Release

S4C is a public broadcaster and the only Welsh language television channel in the world. S4C delivers a wide range of programmes including drama, documentaries, news, music, entertainment, live sport, and children programmes.

As part of the S4C’s ongoing commitment to deliver a diverse and vibrant slate of content, which reflects a modern Wales and its relationship with the rest of the world, S4C is delighted to confirm today that applications are open for production companies to tender for the Welsh language version of Channel 4 and Studio Lambert’s award-winning Gogglebox format (under license to S4C by Studio Lambert), to be transmitted late Autumn 2022 in a non-competitive TX slot trailing the upcoming Channel 4 series. This format will be titled Gogglebocs Cymru.

Gogglebocs Cymru will play an important role in S4C's provision, and the winning company will work together with S4C, Channel 4 and Studio Lambert to ensure the success of the production in the Welsh language.

The casting will need to reflect modern Wales in its entirety and the series will play a key commissioning role in the year of the Channel’s 40th birthday. It’s aim with the casting process will be to celebrate Welsh characters around Wales and Welsh speakers in and around the rest of the UK.

As part of this process, S4C will also welcome additional ideas which will extend the reach, especially multi-platform and digitally.

S4C’S Chief Content Officer, LLinos Griffin-Williams, said: “I am thrilled that Channel 4 has, for the first time, made an exception with one of their most valued formats, by agreeing to release exclusivity of Gogglebox in the UK to S4C. As two public service broadcasters, with a close and collaborative working relationship, we are delighted to be entrusted with such an important brand.”



S4C is a public broadcaster and the only Welsh language television channel in the world. S4C distributes a wide range of programmes including drama, documentaries, news, music, entertainment, live sport and children programmes. Online content includes HANSH a unique platform with content aimed mainly at 16-34-year-olds. S4C Clic – S4C's player and on demand service provides exclusive content, catch up, archive material and box sets. All S4C content is also available on demand via BBC iPlayer.

Gogglebox has seen locally produced series around the world with 40 worldwide format sales for producers Studio Lambert. Gogglebox was the second biggest title on Channel 4 last year averaging 5.4m, a 24.5% share and a 39.2% share of 16 – 34s.




Mae S4C yn ddarlledwr cyhoeddus a'r unig sianel deledu Gymraeg yn y byd. Mae S4C yn darparu ystod eang o raglenni gan gynnwys drama, rhaglenni dogfen, newyddion, cerddoriaeth, adloniant, chwaraeon byw, a rhaglenni plant.

Fel rhan o ymrwymiad parhaus S4C i ddarparu gwasanaeth amrywiol a chynnwys beiddgar, sy'n adlewyrchu'r Gymru fodern a chyfoes, mae S4C yn falch iawn o gadarnhau heddiw bod ceisiadau ar agor i gwmnïau cynhyrchu dendro am fersiwn Gymraeg o fformat Channel 4 a Studio Lambert o Gogglebox (dan drwydded i S4C gan Studio Lambert). Y bwriad yw darlledu ddiwedd Hydref 2022 cyn cyfres ddiweddaraf Channel 4. Teitl y fformat hwn fydd Gogglebocs Cymru.

Bydd Gogglebocs Cymru yn chwarae rhan bwysig yn narpariaeth S4C, a bydd y cwmni buddugol yn cydweithio ag S4C, Channel 4 a Studio Lambert i sicrhau llwyddiant y cynhyrchiad yn yr iaith Gymraeg.

Bydd angen i’r castio adlewyrchu’r Gymru fodern yn ei chyfanrwydd a bydd y gyfres yn rhan o ymgyrch penblwydd S4C yn 40 oed, i ddathlu cymeriadau Cymreig o gwmpas Cymru a siaradwyr Cymraeg yng ngweddill y DU a’r cyffiniau.

Fel rhan o’r broses hon, bydd S4C hefyd yn croesawu syniadau ychwanegol a fydd yn ehangu’r cyrhaeddiad, yn enwedig yn aml-lwyfan ac yn ddigidol.

Dywedodd Prif Swyddog Cynnwys S4C, LLinos Griffin-Williams: “Rwyf wrth fy modd bod Channel 4, am y tro cyntaf, wedi gwneud eithriad gydag un o’u fformatau mwyaf gwerthfawr, drwy gytuno i ryddhau Gogglebox yn y DU yn unig i S4C. Fel dau ddarlledwr gwasanaeth cyhoeddus, sydd â pherthynas waith agos a chydweithredol, rydym yn falch iawn o gael ei hymddiriedaeth â brand mor bwysig.”
