Sackie Osakonor

Category: News Release

AGE: 28

OCCUPATION: Writer, performer

LIVES IN:  London

Sackie lives with his girlfriend in their flat in South London. Like him she is an actor too, they met while performing in ‘Joseph’.

Keeping in shape is a big part of Sackie’s life, he’ll spend up to twelve hours a week in the gym. He’s a black belt in taekwondo.  At school he was the athletics captain with a PB time of 10.87 over 100m. His other big love in life is cooking.

He was born in London but moved to Zimbabwe when he was a child. He returned to the UK for sixth form and progressed to a career in Financial Management.

He soon left the city to pursue his dream of acting. His main reason for going on the island is that he likes to push himself to the absolute limits.

What is the key thing you will take away from your time on the island?
I definitely made some lifelong friends out there. Everything I did and all the lessons I learnt will stay with me forever (and hopefully have changed me for the better too).

Has your time on the island changed your perspective on life?
Definitely, Massively, Permanently. Never again will I take my loved ones for granted (as well as all the food and other conveniences). I've procrastinated a lot in my life and that's stopped. There's so much to do and experience in the world and I'm going to get out there and do and I’m going to get out there and do it.