
Category: News Release

TX: TBC More 4

When you get into trouble there's only one person to call, Olivia Pope.  A professional 'fixer' who makes problems go away before anyone even knows they exist., Pope is a legend amongst the moneyed, the powerful and even the President, whom she previously served as Chief Whitehouse  Communications Director.

Her spectacular success is a result of her unbreakable rule; ‘always trust your gut’.  No matter how careful you are, when you do damage control for a living, you're bound to cause some damage in your own life. She and her crew eat, sleep, live and breathe crisis.

And as series 1 drew to a close, Olivia was facing the biggest crisis of her professional career;  risking it all for former employee Quinn Perkins, turned prime suspect in a high profile murder, Pope covers up major evidence at the crime scene. But who is Quinn, why is she on the run and just why is she important enough for Olivia to put her own career on the line?

Created by Shonda Rimes and starring Django Unchained’s Kerry Washington.

Prod Co: Disney