Search facility down

Category: News Release


Look, we’re really sorry about this. We know that lots of you log on to this site just so you can trawl back over past press releases relating to Time Team. However, a little while ago, a chap with a robotic voice and brain the size of East Grinstead came and talked at me in a language that was effectively coding for abut half-an-hour. The upshot of it was that we’d have to do without the search facility on the site for 24 hours. You know. Approximately.

But look on the bright side. This gives you the opportunity to go and spend time with your loved ones, gambol through fields of autumnal flowers, or start building your own cathedral. Alternatively, you could always spool back through eight years of releases to track down all of the ones about Time Team.


Note to Editors: Site may not contain any releases about Time Team.