Secret Eaters

Category: News Release

TX: May

Have you ever wondered why you keep putting on weight despite eating healthy foods?

Britain has become a nation of mindless munchers and compulsive grazers. Many people don't even know they're doing it and are losing the battle of the bulge because of it.

Secret Eaters is a ground-breaking new series about the psychology and science of eating.

Presented by Anna Richardson, Secret Eaters scrutinises the eating habits of overweight families by putting them under 24-hour camera surveillance. 

These families can't understand why their diets are out of control; they think they are eating healthily but can't stop piling on the pounds. To find out what they're really consuming, cameras are put in their shopping trolleys, cars, fridges and cupboards.

Each household has agreed to have every move and mouthful captured, while two private investigators are employed to carry out surveillance on them to catch every moment of secret eating.

Surveillance over and evidence compiled, Anna confronts the families with the extent of their secret eating in the Secret Eaters incident room. Their diets are then analysed by two experts - food science lecturer Dr Richard Marshall and dietician Lynne Garton - who debunk the food industry's jargon, and explain how our bodies can fool us into wanting more of the kind of foods that aren't good for us. 

Once the families are aware of the scale of their overeating, they embark on a 10-week 'Food Rehab' regime to help them shift the pounds.

Can this unique experiment help these families conquer their battle with the bulge once and for all?

Production company
Remarkable Television