Skins Episode 1 Synopsis

Category: News Release

The gang are on a summer holiday in Morocco. The villa may be half finished, in the middle of nowhere and without running water, but they've found a load of weed under the floorboards so they don't care.

Matty and Franky turn up - they've spent the summer shagging their way around North Africa but the honeymoon period is definitely over. Franky's had enough and Matty can't understand why. They arrive at the villa mid-argument, instantly changing the atmosphere.

That night, they hear music pounding nearby. Using Alo's party-tracking skills, they find the source - a flash villa owned by Luke (Joe Cole), a charismatic wide boy. He invites them to join the party, largely because he's taken an interest in Franky. The party is amazing - the best music, drink and drugs the gang could hope for. But there's trouble on the horizon...

The following day, Luke and his friend Jake (James Burrows) pay the gang a visit. They're in Morocco on business, and have been stashing their weed in the gang's villa. Luke forgives the gang for smoking it, but tells them he needs the rest back and invites them to a beach party.

While everyone parties away on the beach, Luke appeals to Franky to run away with him right there and then. He offers escape and excitement with no strings attached. Franky, still dealing with a sulky Matty, can't turn him down.

Meanwhile, Jake blackmails Matty into carrying their drugs across the border, or Luke will take Franky away from him. Matty tries to stand up to Jake but is swiftly beaten up. Matty sees Luke and Franky drive off. 

Liv is warned by a local boy that Luke is dangerous and there's no question, the gang have to get their friend back. They head in pursuit as they desperately try to keep up with Luke and Franky...