Skins (series V) episode one synopsis

Category: News Release

It's Franky's (pictured) first day at Roundview, and she's determined not to be a loner again.  But her boyish styles single her out and Mini gets the first joke in, backed up by mates Liv and Grace. Then Franky accidentally floors Mini in a muddy and vicious hockey game.

Franky tries to blend into the background, but is befriended by farmboy Alo and metal Rich, who think Mini is a total witch, but y'know a hot witch, the kind you'd like to shag. Mini warns her not to hang around with such dicks, and invites her to hang with them instead. Keep your enemies closer and all that.  The girls smash into some of Liv's left over MDMA, and Franky gets an invite to Mini's party the next day -  on one condition, she drops the whole alternative crap and wears a slinky dress Mini buys her. 

The girls go back to Franky's and meet her two gay foster dads.  Mini digs for more dirt and discovers a ‘Franky ain't got a fanny' page on their computer.  Franky admits she left Oxford because she was being bullied, and makes the girls promise to keep it secret.

The next day, Franky makes a token effort to look feminine, but it's not enough for Mini who wants Franky to completely bend to her will.  Franky snaps back at her. Big mistake.  Mini whispers sweetly to her boyfriend Nick, and by lunchtime there are posters of the ‘Franky ain't got a Fanny' page all over Roundview.  Franky runs.  As Franky tries to calm down, spliff in mouth and BB gun in hand, she meets Matty. A teenage wastrel who seems to get her, he tells her not to give up without a fight.

Franky burns the dress Mini bought her and goes to the party, looking slick with the bb gun hidden in her tux.  Alo and Rich fail to get into the club, but Franky strides through, bumping into Nick and his rugby mates.  Mini tears into Franky, but finally Franky stands up for herself, she knows she's a weirdo, but she's not going to run away this time.  Franky leaves in tears, but is then picked up by Alo, Rich and Grace.  They break into the local lido and have an impromptu party.  Franky has friends for the first time in her life, and they're awesome.