
Category: News Release

AGE: 28
FROM: London  
LIVING: In New York for three years, currently in Midtown
OCCUPATION:  Special Events Producer


After growing up in Leicestershire, Sophie moved to London for a few years where she worked as a journalist and was involved with magazines including British Vogue, ELLE and Harper's BAZAAR. However she quickly felt the need for a new challenge and saw NY as the next step.
She describes New York as ‘Neverland for adults’ and says that nowhere in the UK has the same energy. On her first night in the city she walked up to the most exclusive club in Manhattan, talked her way in and never looked back.
Sophie is a brilliant networker and knows Gagan through work. She is also good friends with Georgina and Sumner and has introduced the two to each other.  


Sophie’s high-flying career has her planning parties for New York’s elite. She credits this to her confidence and outgoing nature. Describing it as a dueling match, she believes that “If you are really going to make it in this world you have to make it in New York.”


Fluctuating between happily single and looking for love Sophie enjoys the dating process but is very selective about who she dates, they have to be able to keep up with her lifestyle. She’s previously been quite unlikely in love but has a soft spot for one of the TNY guys.


What made you decide to move to New York?

I had been working in London at a big fashion magazine, and had been working on some big events for them. Although I loved it, I knew I wanted a bigger market and to grow. For me, I needed a bigger challenge than what I felt London could give me at the time. I had always had an obsession with the American dream and so, two friends and I decided to up and leave for three weeks to LA. Before I went, I really hustled to set up a load of meetings with various movie producers and editors. I knew I wanted to move to America but I had never been to NYC – and it was between LA and NYC. So, one day, I just decided to dip out for 10 days and go to New York to see the vibe. I will never forget how I felt getting the cab from the airport and seeing the skyline. I HAD to move here. Whilst I was there, I did the same thing that I did in LA. I met as many people as I could. I was hooked. Everyone worked harder, and longer and everything was bigger and faster. When I got back to London I was offered a contract to move out and had to really graft to get the dreaded Visa. But I did it, and I arrived with one bag, only having one friend and hardly any money (I spent the lot on my lawyer fees for my visa!).

Which of the cast do you fancy the most?
What an unfair question! All the chaps are utterly gorgeous!!!! I have a soft spot for the utterly eccentric and absolutely hilarious Matthew Charles. He is so special to me. Jamie is easy on the eye, too.

Have you done anything about it? Or anything with the rest of the cast?

That is a whole other story!

We hear you're good friends with Georgina, what's your relationship like?
GG - or Sproglet - as I call her, is like my little sister out here. She and I have been known to have the very occasional big fight (as sisters do!), but it's always fine in the end. She knows that I will care for her, and she knows that I will always look after her. She has a tendency to get a little grouchy at times, but she really listens to my advice and she's grown up a lot since we’ve been friends. I am really proud of her. GG makes me laugh and is always there when I need her. She comes out with hilarious one liners and we have the most amazing FaceTime chats. Through thick and thin, even when we’re not talking, GG really has my back and is fiercely loyal.